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Christian Counselling

As a professionally trained counsellor, I respect every clients right to their own belief system.

When Christian counselling is requested, I use a Biblically-based approach to help understand human nature, relationships, emotional and physical suffering and loss. Being made in the image of God speaks to the dignity and value of humankind. We are physical, emotional and spiritual beings. My approach to Christian counselling is holistic, integrating physical, emotional and spiritual care.

Each life is a journey of mountaintops and valleys, and often it's in the valleys that we recognize we need God and we need others to come alongside of us, to empathize with our struggle and encourage us. It's my desire to join with you, that you will be strengthened as you focus on God's love and care for you.

I have a special interest in Christian young people. If you are a teen or young adult, this is a period of amazing growth and change. It can be a confusing time too. Understanding your purpose and calling, choosing a career and forming new relationships can be stress-inducing. If you desire counselling, with a focus on Christian values, I can work with you to explore and bring greater clarity to decisions that are consistent with who you are.

I value the trust that you have placed in me, and I seek to serve and respect your dignity with professional ethical standards and confidentiality.

Every life is a unique interweaving of challenges and triumphs.

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